Make a list of things you need to do and keep it up to date
Make a visible space for pinning or writing your lists so you can't miss it. This is important - I bought chalkboard paint and now have boards everywhere - this one's on the end of the cupboard unit in a static caravan
Don't click irrelevant links when reading general emails or updates
Remove all traces of hobbies and entertainment from sight so you focus on work
Allocate set times for specific jobs - housework, admin, main work, meals, phone calls, the actual job that pays your income.
Reduce your social media timelines to the barest minimum and prioritise what you see first. "Unfollows" are painless - if they happen to be friends who are compelled to post every aspect of their day then stop and work out why you are compelled to know such trivial details. Are you a stalker?
Take set refreshments breaks and if friends MUST call, then make sure they know when you are available and that they are not interfering with your work schedule
Eat when you are hungry and let other household members cook and clear up for themselves if they are responsible enough to do so
Likewise with all other household chores - delegate, share or dump the job completely if it's non-essential
Focus attention on getting each specific job done before progressing onto the next one
Break main jobs down into smaller jobs so you feel like you know when you have achieved each stage
Keep checking the list - again, this is very important.
Take a short walk outdoors, even if it's a quick dash in the rain to focus your concentration on why you should be inside doing items a to z on the dratted list! This can be known as your daily exercise.
Tick things off the list before adding anything new - important!
Use a timer - especially when cooking at same time as working!
Use a second alarm system to remind you to acknowledged the first one
Use timing switches wherever possible when cooking or working with electrical appliances
Don't look on distractions as distractions - treat them as small jobs needing done within the larger ones, add them to your list and tick them off accordingly
Write an email, note or other message to yourself to remind you what you should have achieving by a set time
Learn basic time management.
Multi-task wherever and whenever possible without getting scatterbrained
Give yourself a reward for each and every achievement, even if it's just a tick on your chalk board.
Ensure your own comfort and well-being throughout your day - comfortable clothing and footwear are essential - don't forget to wash your hands and keep any work equipment, work tops, mobiles and gadgets sanitised.
Work in a comfortable and happy environment - ambient temperature should not cause counter-productivity
Look at the ergonomics of your work space - no point pursuing goals if you ache after an hour of sitting or standing in a particular position
Procrastination is not a simple distraction - it can steal control of our thoughts, actions and will-power at any given moment in time! Embrace it, make it an item on your list and allocate fair time within your working day to address it in the way it deserves. It arrives for a reason, alerting us to other stuff that's whirring away inside our brains, hidden beneath the surface, lurking in our sub-conscious minds and ready to pounce at any monent. Be aware of it's devastating effects on all aspects of your waking life as it comes in many guises, masking negative emotions, stress and anxiety. Procrastination is often laughed off in a jovial way but its delaying tactics only add to the problem of bad time management. Take a break when a break is scheduled and set aside extra time for doing the things you like most.
Now, I really do need to focus on the above and follow my own advice because there are chickens, ducks and ponies to be fed, willows, holly and crab apple trees to be planted and all the herbs and vegetable seeds to be sown!
Stay home, stay safe, help save lives.